Saturday, June 21, 2008

Stop and smell the roses with me!

Don bought me some more roses today at the same nursery. We have to weed tomorrow before we can plant them. Luckily we don't live in Lynden or we wouldn't be allowed to do it. HAHA Anyhow, I held one out for Brock to "smell" and he actually did. He kept pointing to the ones he wanted me to hold down so he could smell them. In the picture with his eyes closed he was actually taking a huge sniff and enjoying it. We should all learn to take pleasure in simply smelling the roses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!! your so funny Heather! Shhh dont tell, but we do yard stuff on Sunday, I just love it so much & we figure if we're doing it together, its not work right?? ;) I LOVE the color of the rose! BEAUTIFUL! those are precious pictures!