Friday, August 8, 2008

Our trip to the Lake

Our friend Hayden in the mud

He was such a mess

We went with a couple of my friends and their kids to the lake for a few hours today. It was fun for the kids. It was our first outing to a lake and let me tell you I had anxiety all night last night, my kids don't know how to swim so the idea of going somewhere with water without Don to help was not a good one for me. The water was really low so the places available for the kids to splash around were muddy, so muddy that for a few minutes Cale actually lost one of his crocs in it. They had fun, I was stressed but it was fun to have some adult conversation, it hasn't happened much this week without my mom being here and Don gone I've missed it.


Anonymous said...

great pictures! glad you got some adult conversation! Our kids have only taken one swimming lesson each, so they cant swim either so I get a little nervous too, so I can understand where your coming from ;)

The Daileys said...

Looks pretty muddy... but the more mud, the better with my boys, so I am sure your kids enjoyed themselves! When does Don come home??? I can imagine you would be pretty lonley after having your mom there and now not! Hang in there :)